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Monday, February 7, 2011

When Nature Calls

          Ok for some of yall that know me, the title is misleading.  I'm really not writing a blog about someone or something taking a huge dump.  Instead I thought that because of someone I know getting viscously attacked by a mentally challenged skunk, I would write about what not to do in the forest to avoid an untimely encounter with a crazed animal. Most of this stuff is common sense.  The only problem is that most people don’t have that stuff.  Apparently everyone missed the clearance sale on it at Wally World.  So here it goes.
            For starters and since this is February I wanted to let everyone know that Arky the Ground Hog is in no way related to Punxsutawney Phil.  We all know that Ole Philly boy is an antagonist and a liar.  He is always trying to stir up the public in February.  I am saddened to say this is when Hate crimes against Arkansas Ground Hogs go up.  Just last week I found where someone had suffocated one with a snow ball.  I mean what kind of behavior is this.  What does this build?  It builds hatred.  When the ground hog revolution happens don’t blame me.  I tried to warn yall!
            Whats next, Oh yeah.  Yogi the bear does in fact like steak and beer.  Some of our old timers like to bait them with sardines.  I have learned from experience that these overgrown coons like t-bones and Budweiser.  So if you're in the woods…Do not bring those items with you!  I have also had some confusion between people mistaking our brown black bears for Grizzlies.  So here is the most tried and true methods I know.  If you see a bear and it starts to chase you, climb a tree.  If it climbs up the tree and kills you, It’s a Black Bear!  If it knocks the tree down and kills you, well it was prolly a Grizzly after all.  I also read in a magazine once that if you find bear poo and it has berries and veggies in it, it is prolly a Black Bear. If it has fleece in it and it smells of pepper spray, it is prolly a Grizzly!  Has any of you guys ever wondered why Smokey the Bear never had children, cause everytime his wife got hot he would hit her with a shovel!!!
            Ok for those of you that live in the southern part of the state, watch out for the gators.  Yeah just because they look cute and cuddly doesn’t mean you should try and pet one.  These suckers are fast, fast like the wind!  When you see a gator charging at you, you should do a Forest Gump run and get the hell outta there.  I had someone try to tell me one time you should run in zig zags to confuse the gator.  You have got to be kidding me.  What kind of idiot runs in a semi circle when being chased by a 400 lb reptile?  I do believe that rumor was started by an alligator hunter who was trying to fatten up his alligators!
            I believe that during the fall everyone knows what kind of animal we have the most problem out of.  Yep this fellow has only one desire.  He wants to cause as much trouble as he can.  I'm sure yall already guessed it; "The Wood Chuck" That little squirrelly fellow has been chucking my wood forever.  He chucked three ricks of my wood last winter.  And what does he do when he gets caught.  The little sucker just chuckles to himself!
            And last but not least watch out for the wiley skunks.  They have been known to spray women and dogs!  I'm not sure how to prevent this, but I do know what not to do.  I have a friend whose wife loves cats.  The problem was that her husband and children were allergic to them.  She went out one day and found this beautiful black and white cat and was gonna play with it while her husband was asleep.  She thought I will play with it and go to work and the cat smell will were off before I get home this afternoon.  Well the strange cat lifted its fuzzy tail and sprayed her crazy butt.  She then ran in the house and made up a story how the skunk attacked her.  I'm not gonna say her name to protect her from ridicule, but it rhymes with Cila!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Facebook--The Other White Meat

When I graduated from high school I remember thinking, I will never again use a computer.  For about a year I managed to avoid them.  Then at work I had to start using one and finally Tess and I invested in one that had a 2 gig memory.  We had to pay extra for that!  Lol  Well then we progressed up into better computers and better jobs that insisted we use them.  Before I knew it we were addicted.  It started off like any addiction.  We would get some jokes in an email and we liked it.  Then we started dabbling in eBay, and Tesa secretly started playing games when I was working.  Then out of the blue came MySpace!!!!!!!!!!  I thought that it was stupid.  Who would spend all their time reading other peoples thoughts! Huh.  Well I can say I never had a MySpace page.  Although late at night I may have snuck on Tesa's page and checked it out. 
            Tesa then got a facebook page.  It seemed ok and there were quite a few people on it.  One day I talked Tess into setting me up a page and there was no turning back.  I began with just a few daily doses just to break the boredom!  Then I progressed to posting my own thoughts and then I started posting on other people's pages.  I was like the dope phen that progresses over to the needle.  I was now a mainliner!  I started checking it during the day and when I got home.  If I went on vacation I had to post pictures and updates.  Then one day I started posting the twisted mentally challenged thoughts that roll around in my head.  It wasn’t that long ago that I synched my cell phone with it so I can post stuff while I'm away from the computer. Yep I was part of the weirdoes now!
            I love watching people fight on here too.  It's like it has to be drawn out slowly though.  The chic will post on facebook that she is sad.  Then all her friends will say what's wrong.  She then starts to slowly unfold the drama for all 500 of her closest friends.  Then he changes his relationship status to single, and then she changes hers to single.  And the coolest part is they air all their dirty laundry for everyone to read.  But guess what.  Tomorrow they will be in a relationship together again.  How cool is that.
It's also funny how you forget about all your old classmates and friends over the years.  Well….. That was before facebook.  Now you know that your old chum went to McDonalds this morning and had a sausage biscuit and met a homeless man and got in trouble at work and his wife has PMS.  It is creating a whole new world.  Facebook has united the world one friend request at a time.  Yep I guess we get to have a non rehearsed reality TV show right here. 
            So I imagine that it is a good thing.  Except that there are people that are spying on us.  They are watching and waiting.  One day we will post something that offends them.  They will print it out and share it with anyone that will listen.  Your job will want to know what you are posting.  Hackers are looking for personal information, Pedophiles are chatting with young girls who post all their freaking info on there along with their cell phones numbers!  So are we scared…………nay.  Someone just posted a joke and it was funny so we must comment on it and Joe blow just posted pics of the animal he shot last night!!  Awesome stuff!!!!!!!!!!!