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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lets Rebuild Washington

You know I was reading all the statuses about where all the first responders were not invited to the 9/11 reunion and I thought surely this has to be a mistake. It wasn’t. It is true!!!!!! Our leaders suck! I would love to see a good independent run for president! I'm sick of both the democrats and the republicans! There's not much difference in any of them right now!!!
It’s sad when only our big money can afford to run for president or major office. What we need is a good blue blooded American in that office. I don’t care if they have any experience in politics or foreign policy. It all boils down to good ole common sense. Why do we bother sending a representative from Arkansas if all they are going to do in Washington is play politics with their political party? A representative should represent us not some liberal ass politician from Illinois. But sadly if we elect someone that is a democrat, they feel compelled to vote democrat.
I am a registered democrat and usually vote for republican candidates in the main elections! Why? Because I believe in more than just a political party! I believe that we should start asking ourselves who we are voting for. Also why is it costing billions of dollars to run for an office? That money needs spent somewhere else. I say we propose a limit on politicking. I say they all raise a specified amount and get a specified amount of TV, Radio, and speech time. If they can t do it on their own, they shouldn’t be doing it! I believe Americans are sick of the lies, innuendos, and fake speeches. We just want to know that when it comes down to it, our representative is going to vote for us.
There are more middle and lower class Americans than anyone else. If we all sent a few dollars to a good independent candidate, he or she could afford to run against the idiots that are vying for office. By gosh I have not seen one that I would even invite to my house for dinner. If we don’t take a stand now, it will be too late one day! It’s time the Majority stopped being over ran by the minority! I’m not meaning race either, I mean if the majority of people want something, it should be done. Not the minority telling the majority how to do it!!!! Maybe I’m just ranting! lol

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nursery Rhymes

Mary had a little pig,
She kept it fat and plastered;
And when the price of pork went up,
She shot the little bastard.

Her father shot it dead.
Now it goes to school with her,
Between two hunks of bread.

SIMPLE SIMON met a Pie man going to the fair.
Said Simple Simon to the Pie man,
"What have you got there?"
Said the Pie man unto Simon,
"Pies, you dumb ass"

HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the kings' horses,
And all the kings' men.
Had scrambled eggs,
For breakfast again.

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a Spider
who sat down beside her...
and she ate him too..

Mary had a little Lamb,
It followed her to school,
They tied a brick around its neck
And drowned it in the pool.

Little boy blew....................He​ needed the money

jack and jill
went up the hill
each with a buck and a quarter
Jill came down with 2.50.. the dirty whore

mary had a little lamb...
that will teach her to sleep in the barn!

I love you
You love me
Barney gave me HIV
It started with a kiss
but then he wanted more,
damn that horny dinosaur

Mary had a little lamb
she also had a bear.
I wonder why nobody talks about the bear??????

There was an old lady who lived in a shoe.
She had so many kids her uterus fell out!!!

Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a plasma TV,
a CD player, a cell phone,
an ipod, and an Xbox 360.
Mary was a spoiled little girl

Georgie Porgy, pudding and pie.
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play,
He kissed them too, cause he was gay.

Twinkle twinkle little snout,
how I wander what ur not,
pull u out,
let you dry,
you'll b a booger by and by

Hey diddle diddle, the cat took a piddle,
All over the bedside clock.
The little dog laughed to see such fun.
Then died of electric shock.

There was a little girl who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was very, very good.
But when she was bad........
She got a fur coat, jewels, a waterfront condo, and a sports car

Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl
And now I guess we know about Old King Cole!

Mary had a little watch
she swallowed it one day
and so she took some Epsom salts
to pass the time away
But though she tried, and tried, and tried
...she couldn't make time pass
So if you want to know the time
just look up Mary's...
...uncle in the Yellow Pages. He sells watches.

A strapping young pirate named Bates
once tried to disco on skates.
He fell on his cutlass
and now he is nutless
and practically useless on dates.

Little Miss Muffett
sat on a tuffett
covered in gasoline
along came a spider
with a butane lighter
and blew her to smithereens

They're once was a man from nass, his balls were made out of brass, when he rubbed them together they played stormy weather and lightning shot out his ass!!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Thanks to a litigious culture, and a legal vulture
Humpty Dumpty made a big score

Little Bo peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them.
She didn’t know about the foot and mouth
Or that the farmer had to burn them

Hey I found a website that showed how all these nursery rhymes came about in the first place. Kinda of neat. most of them were political satires.​​hymes-simply-childs-play.h​tml

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Man its been along time since I have wrote on this freakin blog. I was trying to think of something cool to write about and then I thought man my life is boring. I don’t know anything good. As I say this Ethan is walking the alligator around the living room on a leash and a raccoon is sitting beside me eating an animal cracker! Well dang still cant think of anything good! Lol
Well there was the instance of Jaycee eating a dime! Apparently dimes are made from corn cause they come out just like they go in! Well actually the dime came out a blue color. So my advice to anyone handling money is not to worry about whos hands have touched the money, but whose butt it is has come out of!!! Also beware the Ides of March and Blue Money!!! The poor girl refused to do her business cause she was afaid of what might come out! At first I thought that maybe she thought it would hurt, then I remembered this was Jaycee! She prolly ate something more important and thought we would find it! She got away with it apparently! I just put the dime into her bail bond fund and let it go!
Then there is the case of Roxy the rocking raccoon! She is the cutest, cuddlest, awsomest, piece of conniving, aggrevating, un-nerving, coon! She reminds of me of a woman. I want her, but deep down I know she only has a couple of uses. The hard part is figuring out what to do with her during the other 23 hours of the day!! That coon has broken or tasted everything in the house. She refuses to take a spanken, but you can yell her name and she immediately stops what she is doing. This doesn’t count when she is wrestling with you. I do believe in a few weeks she will be ready to play for the Razorbacks! She has only one level of playfulness and it involves me bleeding and crying! But then she will curl up in your lap and she melts your heart. I prolly could of put Tesa’s name in there and it would have had the same meaning huh!
Well that’s all that’s going on at the Hall Pad lately! Yeah right, but the rest I cant put on here cause there is simply not time or enough internet space!