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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


How many of you guys have been following Julian Assange on the internet lately?  If you said no, then you are blind, or you just don't give a crap about anything going on in the world.  This dude is a freakin terrorist as far as I am concerned.  He paid someone to steal confidential files and then posted them all over the world.  To top that off, there are people that are viewing him as a hero.  He moved past the part where he was exposing corruption and started posting gossip just to make money.  I also noticed that he is a pervert.  We should probably just let him off because he is famous huh.  Well it worked for Michael Jackson.  He was given free range to molest as many children as he could just because who he was.  There were even parents who kept taking their children to him after he paid off the children he molested.  I guess ole Julian could pay off these women so he could get out of it.  If he was innocent, he would have took care of these charges when they first arose.  Nay this guy is a terrorist and a pervert.  He will probably get off on these charges just like he got off with those women! lol  Ok that was tacky, but funny.  Prosecute and jail his pansy butt!

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