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Monday, December 6, 2010


Parenthood-The ability to raise a screaming infant into a bigger child that no longer cries when they are hungry, craps on themselves, or smears chocolate syrup into the carpet.
Yeah that pretty much describes what it is all about.  We all want that perfect child that everyone will look at and say, "Man, that is the best looking, smartest, well behaved kid I have ever seen."  Guess what, that child is a myth created by some magazine called babies are us.  The truth is we just want our children not to eat that booger in public.  I mean that is pretty special when they learn to turn their head and pick it.  Then when no-one is looking they can wipe it under their neighbors desk at school.  Or how about when they start wiping their own butt.  There is something special about a 3 year old running into the living room with some toilet paper so you can wipe her butt for her!  I have also noticed that everyone is so wrapped up in being hip or cool parents.  Hey my children have friends their own age!  I am the parent.  When they become adults we can start switching over to the friend thingy.  I just want them not to be extremely weird, not to be the starter of the fight they are going to get in, and to do the right thing when it really counts. Yeah they are probably going to make bad grades every now and then.  I can just imagine they are going to drive fast and steal a piece of candy.  They might even drink a beer or smoke a cigarette.  I know these things are going to happen and deep down I may not be as mad as I act.  I can say I will never just let them make bad grades, drive fast, steal, drink, or smoke.  I also think that being the father of three girls it is my duty to intimidate every little boy that thinks he can try to make them do bad things. I have already decided that when I start letting Lexi date, I am going to the tombstone place and ordering a tombstone. I will place it right beside the walk way.  It will be one of those double tombstones with one side that says, "Here lies Lexi's last boyfriend!" The other side will say,"Your Name Here"  Maybe that will slow them down.  I'm not too worried about JC because she will be the bad influence and I feel sorry for the young men that makes her mad! lol  Well Laykin's boyfriends will have heard of JC and prolly be scared that JC will come after them too.  

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