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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa repeals Don’t ask Don’t Tell

             I don’t know how many of you guys have been watching the news, but congress and the Obama administration are taking away the old don’t ask don’t tell philosophy in the army.  Well as everyone knows the U.S. is always paving the way in situations such as this.  Well Ole St. Nick was not to be out done either. As soon as he heard about this little scheme that the U.S. was cooking up he ran the same law through his counsel and he signed off on it last week.
            As of right now with the passage of the law code name Operation Gerbil, anyone or anything in the north pole can be openly gay.  A lot of the secret homosexual organizations up there like the so called "South Pole Gang" can now meet in public.  That’s right the elves are coming out of their small closets and wearing their purple uniforms to work everyday.  There were a few surprises, but I think everyone knew that little Eddie was gay from the start.  He was always the first in line to sit in Santa's lap.  He was always color coordinated, and well he was a Bengal's fan!  In fact when someone needed a shoulder to cry on, little Eddie was there.  The problem was he always took his shirt off and you had to cry on his bare shoulder…..
            The biggest surprise was Donder.  He came right out of the closet and said it's about time.  This really bothered Blitzen who had been harnessed in front of Donder for the past hundred years or so.  He requested to be moved.  Well Donder decided if they were gonna move around, why not put Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer right behind him.  Since Donder was Captain Rudolph agreed because he wanted to make sergeant one day!
            The next problem arose in the recruits bunk houses.  There were several recruits that really like shower time.  So they were given separate shower times.  Jesse Jackson flew up there and he joined up with Peta.  They organized the first nude march of the North Pole to speak out against unlawful segregation.  The march was a big hit and they are planning another one for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!  After that except for the Enzyte scandal things started to return to normal.
            Santa's head elf explained that he is excited that things are back on track.  They have a new line of Bert and Ernie dolls that are sure to be a big hit.  They were given the peoples choice award of best toy at the annual Christmas party.  They even figured out a way for Donder to open his mouth when Rudolph was right behind him.  The light shined straight through.  I think if the North Pole can overcome these obstacles, so can our military!

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